Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Going to Disneyland!

Today I leave with my travel partner for Disneyland! Normally I wouldn't travel to the most expensive place on earth but my parents got me tickets for my birthday/Christmas present so I will totally take them up on that offer for that reason alone.

Disneyland (or Disneyworld for the luckier of us), is a very interesting place. It's the capital of American consumerism but it somehow feels like it's a separate entity entirely, a utopia that all of us can visit but never live. I find it fascinating because it's a major component of United States culture. Talk to anyone from the US and they have most likely been to a Disney theme park at least once or at the very least have detailed knowledge about the place and the rides.

As for me, this will be the fourth time I've been and the second time without my parents. I've gone on just about every ride except for Space Mountain (I know! It's the first one I'm getting on!), so I think I'm going to experience it for a different reason. Instead of rushing for the rides I want to enjoy the atmosphere, take in the sights and absorb the people. Not just the ones that play as characters but also the tourists. Very rarely can locals afford to go on a regular basis so the entire place is filled with people from all over the world and I think that really adds to the wonderment of the park itself.

I'm forgoing a little of my cheap road trip habits, too. I've booked a motel this time (albeit a cheap one) and I plan on eating out for the three days I'm there instead of cooking my food over a gas stove. One thing I'm definitely going to avoid though is shopping. It's incredibly expensive and I've never brought back anything that I was glad I had bought years down the line.

All in all I'm super excited. I can probably list hundreds of other places that are more worthwhile and at a much cheaper price but I think every single one of us always has a soft spot in their heart for the gigantic mega-corporation that defined their childhood.

What are some of your experiences with Disneyland? Good? Bad?

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